
Note: All commands must be run in a terminal on the DMC host system.

Troubleshooting commands

To get troubleshooting tips for the DMC:

sudo datical-control troubleshoot

To tail the output of the Datical Service log file:

sudo datical-control logs datical-service --follow

To tail the output of the proxy service process log file:

sudo datical-control logs proxy --follow

Keycloak login:

username: keycloak-admin

password: datical

To view logs:

sudo datical-control logs datical-service > servicelog.txt
sudo datical-control logs keycloak > keycloaklog.txt
sudo datical-control logs proxy > proxylog.txt

To stop all services (demo mode only):

sudo datical-control service stop ALL

If you are using an external/production mode postgres database, expect to see the error below. This appears to prevent the proxy and possibly other services from restarting.

Failed to stop datical-postgresql.service: Unit datical-postgresql.service not loaded. Command Failed: Error executing shell `systemctl stop datical-postgresql.service` . See output for details

To start all services (demo mode only):

sudo datical-control service start ALL

To start all services (production mode):

sudo datical-control service start keycloak
sudo datical-control service start datical-service
sudo datical-control service start proxy

To stop all services (production mode):

sudo datical-control service stop proxy
sudo datical-control service stop datical-service
sudo datical-control service stop keycloak

To see commands:

sudo datical-control
sudo datical-control service

Display status and version information commands

To display the status of the Datical Service process and the DMC version information:

sudo datical-control service status datical-service


Locate datical-service* files

sudo find /etc/ -name datical-service*


Installation troubleshooting

Why is my DMC failing to start?

If your DMC is failing to start, make sure that you didn't register any projects to your database beforehand. The DMC must be installed with an empty database for it to function properly.

Why am I getting an out of memory error while installing or upgrading the DMC?

If you see the error above, open a new terminal session (other than the one you used to install) and run the following command:

ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,cmd | sort -k 1 -nr | head -5

The command allows you to find the latest memory processes on the system and stop enough of them to continue the install/upgrade process. Once you have retried the install/upgrade and it succeeds, the services can be restarted.

Why am I seeing "Sign in to DMC - An email with instructions to verify you email address has been sent to you" message after I log in?

If you see the message above, log into Keycloak http://<hostname>/auth and turn off all options with the exception of Login with Email, then select Save.

Next, go to Users > and remove Verify email, then select Save.

How can I remove a failed DMC installation?

DMC demo mode

  1. Delete the installation directory with files from the failed installation

  2. Delete datical-service.service, datical-proxy.service, datical-keycloak.service, and datical-postgresql.service from /etc/systemd/system

  3. Check and stop Java processes by running the grap command for datical processes:

    ps -eaf | grep datical
  4. Install DMC using the Demo mode installation methods documentation.

DMC production mode

  1. Remove all data from your schema

  2. Delete the installation directory with files from the failed installation

  3. Delete datical-service.service, datical-proxy.service, and datical-keycloak.service from /etc/systemd/system

  4. Check and stop Java processes by running the grap command for datical processes:

    ps -eaf | grep datical
  5. Install DMC using the Production mode installation methods documentation.


Troubleshooting process & service monitoring issues

Commands to start and stop proxy

sudo service datical-proxy stop
sudo service datical-proxy start


The log command to check proxy logs

datical-control logs proxy


The log command to check Keycloak logs

datical-control logs keycloak


If the status views for a project include unexpected changesets or are missing changeset entries, and you want to refresh the DMC DB with the latest version of your changelog and resources, you can use the forceSync command that can be executed from the GUI and the CLI. The forceSync command will refresh the DMC DB with the version of the changelog that is available on the client from which the command is executed. For more information, see Force Sync.


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